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Every 3rd Friday - 8p est - until
Crystal Saiyge's Chapel
(Trap Chaplain)
December 27, 2024 | 8p - Until
Frequent questions & Answers:
When: Every 3rd Friday, 8pm EST UNTIL
Join us for the turn-up of the month. You know full well you do not have prior plans -- we don't want to hear it. See you there.
Call in from your phone or hop on when you get home, feel me?
Sometimes we do Trap Karaoke, sometimes we do Trap-Country or some other theme based on the holidays. It's wild... and adult only. I suggest headphones if your kids are up. Sorry but we be cursing and scantily clad.... If you have time preferences because of kiddos, please leave me a note below. (NOTE: TRAP COUNTRY MOST OF 2024. Practice your Cowboy Carter)
Sign-Up below for any of the upcoming events and you will be emailed the deets for the online location.
Why is it Black-Only?
Because :).
Note about the use of language as liberation:
Please be advised that this is not a space where language is policed. If you are uncomfortable with AAVE/Ebonics that is used in Black music, ie. "go crazy", "standing on bidness", "imma spazz on this track", this would not be a comfortable space for you. Policing language that is still being used by people in the persuit of freedom is colonization.
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